Journal Articles


17. Gomez-Llano, M, RD Bassar, EI Svennson, SP Tye, and AM Siepielski. 2024. Meta-analytical evidence for frequency-dependent selection across the tree of life. Ecology Letters, 27(8):e14477.

16. Tye, SP, SB Fey, JP Gibert, and AM Siepielski. Predator mass mortality events restructure food webs via trophic decoupling. Nature, 626(7998):335-340.

15. Adler, J, A Auger, M Patrice Barra, R Boggs, J Bramblett, L Brooks, H Brown, B Burton, M Busch, G Campbell, N Chanin, V Charlot, W Coker, J Cook, C Davidson, M Dickens, B Dill, B Dimmitt, R Doyle, R Emanuel, C Evans, J Henry Fair, M Faust, A Flanagan, K Flynn, J Foster, J Gulden, H Glass-Hill, A Grant, J Dickson Greer, J Dudley Greer, A Hamilton, V Hanusik, J Lusk Hathaway, C Hemard, T Kimmerer, V Kippelen, JM Lange, N Larson, M Long, J Lovejoy, M May, R May, L Morales McCabe, R McDonald, SB Morton, A Gage Norton, J Painter, E Peterman, D Pullen, T Rankin, R Rausch, J Rich, B Roach, D Slagle, MO Snyder, MK Steinberg B Thomas, J Thurlow-Lippisch, SP Tye, T Vazquez, J Vonderhaar, J Matthew Walker, W Warasila, B White, W Widmer, and D Wright. 2023. Snapshot: Climate. Southern Cultures, 29(3).

14. Gomez-Llano, M, WA Boys, T Ping, SP Tye, and AM Siepielski. 2023. Interactions between fitness components across the life cycle constrain competitor coexistence. Journal of Animal Ecology, 92(12):2297-2308.

13. Tye, SP, AM Siepielski, A Bray, AL Rypel, NBD Phelps, and SB Fey. 2022. Climate warming amplifies the frequency of fish mass mortality events across north temperate lakes. Limnology and Oceanography Letters, 7:510-519.

12. Hasik, AZ, SP Tye, T Ping, AM Siepielski. 2021. A common measure of prey immune function is not constrained by the cascading effects of predators. Evolutionary Ecology. 10.1007/s10682-021-10124-x.

11. Tye, SP, ML Forsberg, EM Brinley Buckley, JS Dale, K Geluso, AM Siepielski, and MJ Harner. 2021. One home is a house for many: temporal partitioning of vertebrates on an American beaver lodge. American Midland Naturalist. 185(2):229-240.

10. Siepielski, AM, AZ Hazik, T Ping, M Serrano, K Strayhorn, and SP Tye. 2020. Predators weaken prey intraspecific competition through natural selection. Ecology Letters. 23(6):10.1111/ele.13491.

9. Tye, SP, BK Blaske, and AM Siepielski. 2020. Population-level variation of digestive physiological costs of mounting an immune response in damselflies. Ecological Entomology. 45(3):635-643.

8. Tye, SP, and K Geluso. 2019. Natural history: Thamnophis radix. Herpetological Review. 50(3):603.

7. Tye, SP, IR Gomez, EM Brinley Buckley, and MJ Harner. 2019. Natural history: Phrynosoma hernandesi. Herpetological Review 50(1):143-144.

6. Tye, SP, and K Geluso. 2019. Day roosts of Myotis (Mammalia: Chiroptera) in an arid riparian corridor in southwestern New Mexico. Western North American Naturalist. 79(4):515-522.

5. Geluso, K, EC Keele, IR Gomez, NM Pauley, and SP Tye. 2018. Night-roosting behaviors for the northern long-eared myotis (Myotis septentrionalis) under a bridge revealed by time-lapse photography. American Midland Naturalist 179(2):287-293.

4. Tye, SP, K Geluso, and MJ Harner. 2017. Early emergence and seasonality of the red-bellied snake (Storeria occipitomaculata) along the Platte River in south-central Nebraska, USA. Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences and Affiliated Societies 37:11-17.

3. Tye, SP, and K Geluso. 2017. Geographic distribution: Tropidoclonion lineatum. Herpetological Review 48(4):817.

2. Tye, SP, K Geluso, and MJ Harner. 2017. Geographic distribution: Hyla chrysocelis. Herpetological Review 48(2):382-383.

1. Tye, SP, K Geluso, and MR Fugagli. 2016. Merriam’s shrew (Sorex merriami) in the diet of a Mexican spotted owl (Strix occidentalis lucida) from Grant County, New Mexico. Museum of Texas Tech Occasional Papers 341:1-5.


Book Chapter


1. Siepielski, AM, WA Boys, J Bried, M Gomez-Llano, T Lanser, and SP Tye. 2021. Insect species coexistence under global change. Imperiled: The Encyclopedia of Conservation.

Popular Articles


4. Tye, SP, and EB Hagen. 2022. The Perennial Seeds of Zapata. Science for the People. Volume 25, Issue 1.

3. Tye, SP. 2020. Student Feature: Bats. University of Arkansas Museum.

2. Tye, SP. 2019. Enhancing Figures: ggplot2 to Adobe Illustrator. American Society of Naturalists’ Graduate Council.

1. Tye, SP. 2017. Sights and Sounds of Spring. Platte Basin Timelapse Project.